Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Micro Lesson #1 - Assessing Prior Knowledge

Prior experience with the technologies used in this lesson are paramount for successful completion of the project.  As this assignment would be given toward the end of the school year, I would ensure students understood basic use of the tools to be used by assessing through rubrics past artifacts for effective use of the tools.  This assignment would bring together many pieces that had been used for different projects throughout the year to complete one assignment utilizing many tools.  

By looking at past work, I could easily see who has knowledge of the tools to be used to complete the task.  As this project is technology heavy, students will need to have basic knowledge of the tools of Microsoft Word to be able to create their artifact.  Students who do not have the skills necessary (if we cannot bring them up to speed) may be able to create an artifact using craft supplies.

Having information about your students' prior knowledge allows you to build your lesson plan more effectively.  By taking into consideration what your students already know, you can avoid teaching information that is already known, and can include information that you may not have thought needed to be taught.

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